I'll do graffiti, if you sing to me in french

I've had "A Certain Trigger" by Maximo Park for a good while now and thought it was mostly OK. It had a couple of excellent songs, namely Going Missing and Graffiti but the rest, while not being bad, never struck me.
I was sitting doing corrections for one of my thesis chapters tonight and decided to stick it on iTunes just for something different and it has just sounded better than it ever did before. I can't explain why but the music is clicking, the enthusiasm is coming through strong and making me smile, the lyrics and sometimes jerky style is working, rather than mildly annoying like it has been in the past.
Its great and less than £6 on Amazon.co.uk, bargin. Apparently they are brilliant live too. My brother saw them on the NME tour that was supposed to be the Arctic Monkeys' property but he far preferred Maximo Park as they put a lot of heart and soul into the performance. I will try and catch them sometime.
My only regret is that I don't quite know how to do that double dot of the i needed to accurately spell the name.
Great album. I was worried the singles would be the peaks and the album tracks the troughs, but it doesn't work that way at all - it's of a uniformly high quality.
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