A nice surprise
This is maybe a bit long and goes round the houses a bit but I have had a nice surprise this evening and it's all because Airplane! is on TV tomorrow night. I'll tell you why...
Airplane! is one of my favourite films, due to its ridiculous amount of jokes and its sense of humour. It is on Channel Five tomorrow night.
Wednesday nights are my wife and I's "Date Night", a night in the week where we make sure that we are not doing anything else with other people, or that we do not have washing/shopping etc. to do and relax together and have some chill time. It is important to do this because we otherwise find that our weeks fill up very quickly and we never see each other. We basically do something that people would on a date.
This Wednesday we were deciding between going to see Superman Returns, or staying in, having a nice tea and watching Capote on DVD.
Obviously, Airplane! being on in the early evening doesn't really fit in with this plan, so I decided to tape it and watch it at some other time. The probelm being that I didn't really know what was on all the tapes I had lying around in the living room, so thought I would go through them and see what things were there and what things could be taped over.
I had forgotten that I had taped a lot of stuff. There was a series, Mirrorball, that was on Channel 4 a long time ago that focused on the work of a different music video director each week, including the guys who worked on Sexy Boy by Air (Mike Mills), Rabbit in Your Headlights by UNKLE (Jonathon Glazer), Smack My Bitch Up by The Prodigy (some Swedish guy whose name escapes me at the minute) and the guy who made the disturbing videos for Aphex Twin's classics, Come To Daddy and Windowlicker (Chris Cuningham. If you have never seen them, approach with caution!). There was plenty of old South Park, including the first appearance of Mr Macky, and before the whole show got so obsessed with shocking and offending everyone. There was the series Catterick, the brainchild of Vic and Bob, featuring the characters Chris and Kinky John (now playing a policeman, "I am the American Eagle") who took part in The Club ("I might just be wrats!"). I found Match of the Day from the first day of the 98/99 season, which had the amusement of picking out Kevin Davis being a good investment for Blackburn, and also highlights of Arsenal playing Fiorentina at Wembley in the Champions league with Rui Costa, Batistuta, Petit, Overmars and Adams all on view. Flims I'd forgotten I had included the Game, The Blair Witch Project (the most poo-inducing film I think I've seen), Fargo and Seven
That was all a nice surprise but not what I'm posting about.
One of the tapes had some of 4Later contained on it, including a show, Really Good Videos (I think was the name but I could be wrong) where they played a video by Adam Green called "Jessica". It was a good song that I had never heard before but had heard of Adam Green as he was also in a band called The Moldy Peaches, whose CD I bought many years ago. I bought Jessica on iTunes and listening to it and searching around the internet for info about him lead my mind back to The Moldy Peaches CD.
Its an odd one due to it being very lo-fi in its production and by the cleverness of some of the lyrics being so linked to the simpleness of some of the music. The Adam Green song seemed a lot more expansive, featuring strings and normal production values (shock horror). Hearing it made me want to go and find my Moldy Peaches CD and give it another listen, a re-visit.
I dug it out of my boxes of CDs, along with a couple of Dinosaur Jr CDs and "Scream, Dracula, Scream" by Rocket from the Crypt, that I happened to see in the course of my search, and opened it up put in my computer.
That's when the surprise came. Sitting in the case, along with the Moldy Peaches CD was my copy of Sigur Ros's first album, Agaetis Byrjun, which I had thought I had lost somewhere along the way as I had opened up the case of it one day to find that it was not there, was not in my CD holder elsewhere and no where to be seen. I was a bit sad because it is one of the most amazing albums around and I mourned the loss of it (despite the fact that I had already put it on my computer and therefore could still listen to it).

I have no idea why I put it there, or when, but I now have it back in circulation, and all because Airplane! is on TV on Wednesday night.

Wednesday nights are my wife and I's "Date Night", a night in the week where we make sure that we are not doing anything else with other people, or that we do not have washing/shopping etc. to do and relax together and have some chill time. It is important to do this because we otherwise find that our weeks fill up very quickly and we never see each other. We basically do something that people would on a date.

Obviously, Airplane! being on in the early evening doesn't really fit in with this plan, so I decided to tape it and watch it at some other time. The probelm being that I didn't really know what was on all the tapes I had lying around in the living room, so thought I would go through them and see what things were there and what things could be taped over.
I had forgotten that I had taped a lot of stuff. There was a series, Mirrorball, that was on Channel 4 a long time ago that focused on the work of a different music video director each week, including the guys who worked on Sexy Boy by Air (Mike Mills), Rabbit in Your Headlights by UNKLE (Jonathon Glazer), Smack My Bitch Up by The Prodigy (some Swedish guy whose name escapes me at the minute) and the guy who made the disturbing videos for Aphex Twin's classics, Come To Daddy and Windowlicker (Chris Cuningham. If you have never seen them, approach with caution!). There was plenty of old South Park, including the first appearance of Mr Macky, and before the whole show got so obsessed with shocking and offending everyone. There was the series Catterick, the brainchild of Vic and Bob, featuring the characters Chris and Kinky John (now playing a policeman, "I am the American Eagle") who took part in The Club ("I might just be wrats!"). I found Match of the Day from the first day of the 98/99 season, which had the amusement of picking out Kevin Davis being a good investment for Blackburn, and also highlights of Arsenal playing Fiorentina at Wembley in the Champions league with Rui Costa, Batistuta, Petit, Overmars and Adams all on view. Flims I'd forgotten I had included the Game, The Blair Witch Project (the most poo-inducing film I think I've seen), Fargo and Seven
That was all a nice surprise but not what I'm posting about.

I dug it out of my boxes of CDs, along with a couple of Dinosaur Jr CDs and "Scream, Dracula, Scream" by Rocket from the Crypt, that I happened to see in the course of my search, and opened it up put in my computer.
That's when the surprise came. Sitting in the case, along with the Moldy Peaches CD was my copy of Sigur Ros's first album, Agaetis Byrjun, which I had thought I had lost somewhere along the way as I had opened up the case of it one day to find that it was not there, was not in my CD holder elsewhere and no where to be seen. I was a bit sad because it is one of the most amazing albums around and I mourned the loss of it (despite the fact that I had already put it on my computer and therefore could still listen to it).

I have no idea why I put it there, or when, but I now have it back in circulation, and all because Airplane! is on TV on Wednesday night.
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